Business expansion into Blockchain

  • #business requirements document
  • #project management
  • #acceptance

Business Goals

B2C project, blockchain Smart Contracts for crowdfunding platform

Decrease APY period for a project, increase profit margin, increase a promotion reach with special offers — backstage & red-carpet access, funfic generation and availability, brand recognition.


A set of Blockchain contracts working as a whole, allowing to issue and trade Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) – scripts, funfic, tickets, access rights.

Value Delivered

  • Reduction in APY pressure for a period of 9-12 months.
  • Creation of a promotion channel that didn’t exist before.
  • New way to invest in projects via crowdfunding.
  • Transparency in revenue distribution and budgeting.

Implementation details

  • Audit of of Anchor client’s business processes, development of “as is” and “to be” stages, deep interviews with the stakeholders.
  • Business Requirements Document development using Design Thinking.
  • Design of Smart Contracts set, consisting of 11 compound contracts
    • proxy – Transparent Update,
    • contracts interaction schema,
    • Smart Contracts development,
    • 100% unit test coverage.

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